Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26, 2010

What a Runner!
Today was a long, gross, rainy day. Luckily, by the time I got home from work the sun had started to peek out and the rain clouds cleared away. After debating for a bit, I decided to go for a run. I thought since you girls had been inside all day that it would be a good day for a stroller ride while I ran. I made the offer, and Molly jumped at the chance to ride in style. You, Sarah Rose, however, decided that you'd like to run with me.
And so we laced up your running shoes, changed out of your skirt outfit, and did some stretching. After a few warnings from Daddy to "go easy on Mom," we set off. I was shocked at how great you run!
Go back a bit in time...even while I was pregnant with you (about to pop, actually), I walked a 3 mile race. Every year since I have entered that same race to run with you in a stroller and the last two years you have ran the Kid's Fun Run. I do admit, however, that we typically begin the race with the other kids, then cut across the middle and still finish last, running only about 1/5 of the actual race course. Well, fast forward to today...You outran me!!!
After a few pointers about bending your arms and using the momentum to help guide your running and making sure your heel touches the ground first, then your toe, you looked like a natural. We jogged together for about 1/2 a mile then you climbed in the stroller (my choice, NOT yours!) so that I could run a quick paced 1/2 mile. After my run, you climbed back out and walked a bit before deciding to run the last 1/2 mile home. One the trip back, you only stopped at the two stop signs for a drink of water and kept running the rest of the way! You carried on a conversation with me about how great running is and how you are going to run the kid's races this year.
I think I found my new running partner! You sure made my run anything but boring! I loved having you beside me to chat with while I ran. The run seemed more like a fun activity than a workout. I can't wait to do it again!

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