Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011

Today you got a card in the mail...
The front said, "Missing you."

Inside it read: "Woof! So sorry I left in such a hurry! I received a call from a puppy designer clothing company asking me to make beautiful clothes for all the way around the world!
Right now I'm sitting on a beach in Hawaii checking out doggie bikinis! Chat soon!
Love, Mister"

Sarah looked up at me before bedtime with tears in her eyes. "Mommy, Mister isn't mad at me for sometimes chasing him around. He is just working at his new job!"

I went to check on you before bed...
I found this:

You bet Mister isn't mad at you, my darling.


  1. This card, as well as one for Molly, was a very thoughtful gesture from a new friend of ours. She wrote and decorated the cards and brought them to my girls. I am in awe of how thoughtful people can be to my babies. Although they had come to realize that Mister is probably in heaven with their hamsters, these cards brought them love and happiness. This friend also mentioned to me her plans for Mister's travels during the year. While I know it is deceitful, I cannot share the look in my girls eyes when they were given the opportunity to consider that he may not be in heaven. And this, to me, is priceless. Thank you Mona!

  2. That is so very precious of Mona! It is not deceitful to put love in a little ones heart! I love Sarah Rose more than words can say and YOU too Beckie!!

  3. What an incredible person your new friend Mona is ! And what a "gift" she has for sharing joy and love ! There truly are angels walking the earth !

  4. That was incredibly kind and creative.... What a GREAT friend!!! Imagination is always a good thing... and you are good at encouraging it...keep it up!

  5. Oh my word. It made me cry too. Adorable. I love her little heart.

  6. Awww, as I sit teary eyed myself, I thank everyone for the kind words about Sarah and Molly and the love they felt for Mister. Mister will live in their hearts and their thoughts as long as Hallmark stays in business!
