Today I had a SNOW DAY!
Thank goodness for that because you, my sweet Sarah, were up all night projectile puking on every surface of the house. You were complaining that your stomach hurt, but Daddy and I figured it was just because you didn't want to eat your dinner. We helped you up to bed and you fell asleep quickly. Then, when I went up to bed around 10, you started
whimpering and crying and as I walked over to your bed, you began to throw up - even as you laid on your back. I quickly sat you up and carried you, still puking, to the bathroom. You then "spit up" everything you
could've possibly eaten yesterday. We took you to bed with us and you fell asleep quickly. Then you were up
whimpering and crying at 1 a.m. Two seconds later, projectile "spit up!" You didn't have a fever, and I was thankful that you gave a little warning before you lost it. You and I grabbed our pillows, some towels, your buddies of the day, and made our way downstairs. I sat you in the recliner with blankets, towels, and buddies, and we put a movie in. I snuggled and rocked you for a bit before you fell asleep. You woke up throwing up again at 2:30, so we had some crackers and water for a while and watched the rest of the movie.
I was thankful when I woke up at 6 and got the call about school being cancelled. Even though you were supposed to spend the day with Meme, who I know would snuggle and love you all day, I was thankful that I didn't have to transport you anywhere and we could cuddle all day long. And that is exactly what we did.
Jammers and crackers all day long. Movie after movie, after movie. It was a very
snuggly day with Molly checking in on you every so often. You did develop a slight fever and
every time you move you say your head hurts. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug! We will see.
On another note, Daddy came home from a trip to
Pittsburgh today and you were telling him your new favorite phrase, "you ruined my whole life." Not that you even know what that means yet, but you are a drama queen and tend to go to extremes. Daddy replied with, "not yet, I haven't. Just wait till you bring home a boyfriend!" We laughed at this and talked about how Daddy will feel when you girls start to hang out with boys. Daddy said that you had to take him along on all of your dates. You got a huge smile on your face and said, "SURE!" I think you were thrilled that your current prince would still be around when you find some future prince! Daddy made repeat after him and say, "I, Sarah, promise to let my Daddy come on every date with me." You smiled through the entire promise!
I had to document that!!!